"if the worlds still spinning and Im still living then it wont be right if were not in it together" Lindsay Lohan "Over" |
Broken promise, broken hearts and with love is all where it starts |
Everyone makes mistakes in love just dont let me be one of them |
Forever in your arms is where I wanna be forever in your arms for everyone to see |
Once apon a time I was your princess and you were my prince |
If I could be with anyone in the world and I got to pick I know no matter how cute or rich ever other guy is I still pick the one Im with |
If pain reliever got rid of all my pain and hurt I would be and addict |
I just need someone to kiss away my tears |
No matter what anyone says or does I will love you because you just know how to make me smiel make my life so worth while |
Dont give up when theres still something worth fighting for |