I capture the sky;
I hold it in my hand and look...
---Written on a rainy day: as are most in...
This poem's not dramatic...
The world outside is grey,
there is no sun today...
There are no prophets,
nor wise-men, nor seers...
---Written about two friends of mine, who are no...
Brick by brick the wall breaks down...
---Apologies for the awful non-rhyme in the second...
I want to break out of this cycle and into the...
---Yes, I am---
Red, Blue and Green...
Television screaming in shades of grey
A connection broke in two...
---I am, therefore I think---
Head banging against a wall...
---Composed before music AS (note to...
The time has come, the hour is near...
No escape from my life,
from the parts I want to hide...
If you want rhyme or reason, look away,
Here is no sphinx, no sophistry - that clever...