Thinking who am i today...
Nothing but some useless soul who is into drugs...
I know i have been fooled and you love to play
just tell me what did i do apart from revealing my...
Love was nothing but a game
playing with hearts was a stupid lil aim...
They say there is no point in dialing ur number
they call me mad...
God u know the reason why im being so sad
i did everything in that relationship..den why do...
Emotional and sensitive is this thing called...
gets trapped in no time,being played every now and...
Its 2 a.m midnight and tears are falling down
as im holding the pictures that reminded me of...
Its one of those nights where im actually thinking
wts life and why am i here...
Standing near sea shore,and waves are moving.....
glued in ur thoughts n yeh once again,im all lost...
Im on the hospital bed...
thinking hard that finally tears start...
(part 1)
his magiacl personality grabbed my heart...
Sick n tired of this so called life
which keeps on bit*hing every now n then...