Quotes by Amy Dunlop

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  • Teach me how to hate you
    teach me how not to care
    teach me u never wanted me
    that u were never really there

    15 years ago
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  • She hides it behind a smile
    she hides it behind a laugh
    she hides it though it hurts her
    she hides it on their behalf

    15 years ago
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  • She laughs and smiles
    she giggles and claps
    inside she cries and weeps
    as her barriers collapse

    15 years ago
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  • She stands alone with her loved ones around her How can she tell them what she is feeling The dagger he had when he entered her heart Is now discreetly slashing and tearing her apart

    15 years ago
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  • I tried to tell you how I felt
    That all I said was true
    That you alone posses my heart
    But all I could manage was I love you

    15 years ago
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  • You hear but you dont listen
    You look but you dont see
    You hold me but dont craddle
    And you dont know the real me

    15 years ago
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  • How can I mourn when I promised you I'd be happy? For the first time i'm breaking my promise

    13 years ago
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  • When you lock them up like I did emotions are so much stronger the next time they break down the walls

    13 years ago
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  • For the six years of your life
    I held you in my heart
    And that is where you'll stay
    Even though it fell apart

    13 years ago
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  • We cuddle and kiss
    We sleep in each others arms
    We know each others secrets
    we know each others fears and dreams
    You make me laugh and you tease me constantly
    So could you please explain to me why we aren't together?

    13 years ago
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