
About Layna

Hi my name is Marlayna most people just call me Layna though. I'm a pretty laid back person and i try to keep my head on my shoulders so that way i keep my life where i want it. I have 2 sisters ones older that's Heather and then my little sister Meranda. I love them to death. Heather and i don't get along very well because we were stupid enough to let a guy come between us in the past and we haven't fully worked things out. Either way ill always be there for her it doesn't matter what happens.

I am BI some people don't like it but I'm not going to hide who i am just because somebody will look down on me. i would rather be loved for who i am then then hated for what I'm not. My friends have excepted it and that is all I'm worried about. i haven't really told my family because i don't know how they will react. I know they wont completely disown me but i don't want to see that disappointment in there face I'm not ready for that just yet.

I have recently gotten with my boyfriend Tavi and i love him dearly all ready. I would do anything for him. He has completely stolen my heart. He's my everything and i don't ever want to lose him. I love his mother to death she's absolutely adorable and i no she just wants whats best for her son.

After high school I'm thinking about going into the coast guard. I'm not completely sure that's what i want to do yet. I plan on attending college and going into criminal justice. i want to help people out with there live and i don't want them to turn out like most of my family has. They haven't been the best influence in my life but they have helped me realize what i don't want to be like and I'm going to do my best not to become that. After alot of time i realized that the people i love are always going to disappoint me at some point and the only way they are going to change is if thy want to not just because i want them to.

Profile of Layna

  • Age : 18
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Michigan
  • Joined : Mar 1, 2009
  • Last Visit : 16 years ago
  • Poems : 2
  • Comments : 2
  • Quotes : 2
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Layna

Latest Quotes By Layna

  • People are going to talk about you all your life, you eventually realize that it doesn't matter what they call you, what matters is what you answer to.

    15 years ago
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  • Sometimes your best friend could turn out to be your worst enemy.

    15 years ago
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