Poems by Merdy

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  • "Do you still love me?"
    In my head I repeat the question...

  • Destiny...
    Are you saying our deep tenderly caring for one...

  • I never had to tell you "I love you"
    You've always known...

  • She wished
    July 16, 2013 at 3:30am...

  • I wasn't disappointed because our love was not...
    but because it was abandoned...

  • History (2) 1

    September 27, 2013 at 9:26am...

  • I lay in my casket straight
    above me the preacher and pastor pray...

  • "Do not speak of her in my presence"
    As i am thinking out loud, my voice is cold and...

  • It twas the day I feared since the beginning of...
    This day silently crept on me so fast...

  • My heart is stained by darkness
    Trying to take vengeance...

  • I was immortal until i meet you
    Never phased by no mans words, or actions...

  • Sometimes I can't concentrate
    Not able to finish the food on my plate...