I realized that some people spend their whole...
You did not come to Virginia, so i called you...
Submission Date 23 Apr 12...
I don't know why she pursued me, perhaps she...
Submission date 4 Apr 12...
It had been spring when we first saw each other...
An evening glow hit the egg white walls. Sitting...
I meet her two years before i walked under orange...
Submission date: 03-24-12...
I remember that when I took a walk with her that...
... Who was it... When... And where, that taught...
Mixing memory, imagination, and reality can cause...
10:14pm Springfield Massachusetts, I receive a...
Submission date: June 13, 2011...
21:00, Taps were announced. Red Florissant lights...
Submission date: May 1 2011...
I always knew I wasn't the love of her life. If I...
It was already approaching midnight in Springfield...
Every night I look up to the stars, I get this...
Submission date February 24, 2012...
By Marcus blake and Derrick Merdy
You walked out into the cold rain...