Quotes by dreamer

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  • There will be those days when
    a smile is easy to find
    and there will be those days when
    a smile is your best way to hide.

    13 years ago
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  • I love you is 3 words, has various levels to its meaning and is used without meaning way too often.

    13 years ago
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  • I love you are 3 words with a very powerful meaning and you my dear have no idea what the meaning is if your already saying them now.

    13 years ago
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  • You shouldn't need a secific day to tell a person how much they care. it's better to say you care when they need to hear it most or when you really want them to know. then it wil actually mean something

    13 years ago
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  • It's not a boy or girl that changes you,
    It's your mind set that changes you.
    It's not love that we should fear,
    but our minds.

    13 years ago
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  • I was told that i shouldnt cry in the rain,
    and stay strong through the pain,
    so i did.
    but maybe crying in the rain,
    would have been better then walking away.
    maybe staying strong wasnt worth my pain.

    14 years ago
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  • We met when you fell face first in the sand
    you looked at me with the beautiful smile and from then on no one was more perfect then you .

    15 years ago
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  • The day all those feeling began
    are never going to go away
    When you realized you loved me
    that feeling will never go away
    no matter how hard you try to forget
    you never will
    first to your last love
    you will always remember

    14 years ago
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  • Even when i left
    you were there told my hand
    When i had no one else
    you were still my sholder to cry on
    Then i realized you were mine
    that nothing could change the fact you love me
    and now im telling you i love you back (L)

    14 years ago
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  • When you looked my way
    my heart melted
    i lost all focus
    you are the "cool"
    and i am the "geek"
    but some how we are together
    it doesnt matter what were considered
    i couldnt be more happier :)

    14 years ago
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