Quotes by lovemehateme

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  • You know my name,
    not my story.
    Youve heard what I've done ,
    Not what I been through.

    Favorite quote

    12 years ago
    1 0
  • Don't hate me because I wasn't who you thought I was or who you wanted me to be.
    From start to finish you never knew the real me.

    13 years ago
    1 0
  • Kill me quickly,
    Put me to rest.
    No more suffering,
    Peaceful death.

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars... I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now...

    -Hayley Williams, B.o.B

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • Trust is like a mirror.
    You can fix it if it's broken,
    but you can still see through the crack.

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • You never know how strong you are until being strong is all you can be.

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • People never really change, they just find who they truley are.

    14 years ago
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  • When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will then know peace.

    -Jimi Hendrix

    14 years ago
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  • "if you only knew, i'd sacrafice my beating heart before losing you."

    10.12.10 -foreverr.(:

    14 years ago
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  • You have friends that come && friends that go, but in the end you on your own. It doesn't matter how you feel, just be yourself && keep it real.

    14 years ago
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