Expected by society to fail because to their blind...
Denounced hypocritically because of the unique way...
This world is like a needle in a river.
Found by the most undeserving creature of all...
Remembering mi rights and wrongs, I acknowledge...
And it’s true; everything always comes back...
The whole world is constructed of lies, people are...
Even in a judicial court of law; lawyers lie...
I'm not a good person
I'm not sweet or kind...
As I sit, thinking deep in to the night, Watching...
Our palms unite. She begins to whisper a harmony...
The day before today I couldn't explain to her why...
I felt embarrassed to tell her how I felt inside...
It was a regular old repeated day, not knowing...
"She went to a better place" they all...
She is one of a kind, she can only be obtained if...
She is so beautiful, and perfect like a porcelain...
To their eyes i'm the black sheep.
To them I do not exist...