the hardest thing of all is to learn to be a well of affection and not a foutain. not to show love when we want, but when they do.
19 years ago
& even if the sun refused to shine
even if romance ran out of rhyme,
you would [ STiLL ] have my heart
until the end of time.
19 years ago
if there were no words;
no way to speak--
i would still hear you.
if there were no tears;
no way to feel inside--
i'd still feel for you.
19 years ago
| r3LATiONSHiPS are usually STRAIGHT,
| but s0me have their bends,
| what i`VE L3ARN3D n0w,
| is that `'F0R3V3R'` actuaLLy ENDS
19 years ago
`*-- tiNY stars `* sHining brigHT,
it`s tiM3 fOr me t0 say g00dnight.
so, cl0se yER eyes & snuggle up TiiGHT,
i`m wiSHin' y0u ||sweet dreams|| tOnight.
19 years ago
y0u`ve s33n me at my w3akest but you take m3 as i am
& wh3n i faLL, you 0ff3r me a saf3r pLac3 t0 Land
y0u pick m3 up, brush m3 0ff, teLL m3 i`m 0kay
s0mtim3s thats aLL we need t0 make it thr0ugh th3 day
19 years ago
teLL me that y0u N E E D me
tell me that it`zs `* true
tell me that 'I|[ i'm the One ]|I'
who`zs ment to be wiith y0u
teLL me that you`LL hOld me
and never let me g0
tell me all 0f that tOnight
cuz it`zs all i want t0 knOw
19 years ago
67% of Americans say "I Love you"..10% Actually Mean It..If your part of the 10% put this in your profile..
19 years ago
Life is n0t measured by the
number 0f breaths we take.
but by the m0ments that
take 0ur breath away «3