Favorite Poems of Stephanie Michelle

  • Undeveloped Life (4)

    by Chelsey

    Woven together by love
    Torn apart by circumstance...

  • You Will Remember Me. (4)

    by Phantasmagoria

    There will come a day when,
    as you lie in a drunken slumber...

  • Sick And Sane (1)

    by StandStill

    to the withdrawal...

  • There once was a boy named Fred,
    he liked very much the color of red...

  • In Retrospect (3)

    by Melpomene

    I believe we fear eternity
    as we are too unstable in heart...

  • World War Iii (6)

    by VeinsofHate

    I'll write this on paper
    Instead of writing it on my wrists...

  • Rape Me (7)

    by ibelievedhim

    I listen carefully to the ticking of the clock
    I'm already hiding when you break the lock...

  • Midnight storms (15)

    by miracle

    When it rains invisible fingers trace every inch...
    feelings of being complete...

  • Daddy's little princess (12) 2

    by Not Enough

    Daddy's little princess
    Daddy's shooting star...

  • Scars (22)

    by ilikepurple222

    The door slams shut,
    and the chilling winter wind behind me rustles my...

  • Topaz Eyes (6) 1

    by Of Sweet Insanity

    Topaz eyes with rusty glass shards.
    Razorblade's kiss left a trail of dark scars...

  • Without Deceptions (2)

    by Of Sweet Insanity

    I can't write the words that leave you chilled.
    My voice can't portray the emotions I feel...

  • Read this through, see what you make of it, then...

  • Put To Rest (11)

    by ilikepurple222

    Overthinking the decisions of right from wrong,
    he begs and pleads for her to let go...

  • Let me go... (1)

    by Monica AKA Mika

    Its amazing how many questions burn inside my...
    But "why?" is the only one able to be...

  • Counting Of The Hours (9)

    by SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG

    It's 12 a.m. and I can't bring myself to sleep...

  • If only, if only (2)

    by jojo

    If only, if only
    Broken hearts were fixed with glue...

  • Suicide Replay. (10)

    by IWroteYouAPoemOnMyWrist

    Just hit play, and watch my life fall apart
    take a look at who broke my heart...

  • How Does She Manage ? (10)

    by LossxOfxControl

    I know its kinda long but Id really apreciate it...
    How does she manage...

  • You, Poet. (8)

    by sibyllene

    You, poet,
    with your toes clenched in river mud...