Real tears aren't the ones that fall from the eyes and cover the face--but the ones that fall from the heart and cover the soul. |
I can no longer take this torment. It has pushed me to the edge of insanity. |
The girl who seems unbreakable, broke. The girl who seems so strong, shattered. |
The girl who always laughed, cried. The girl who never stopped trying, gave up. |
All I wanted was to collapse in someone's arms and cry today, but there was no one there to catch me. |
Sometimes I wonder whats the point of getting back up when falling is all I'm ever good for. |
Why am I in a bad mood all the time? Because I'm tired of acting like I'm happy. |
You only see what I choose to show, there's so much more behind this smile...You don't even know. |
My hearts so numb, I can't even feel it beating. |
Someday I want to go for a walk and come home years later having found myself. |