Trapped in the fabric of fictional reality; it is...
Time stands still; a moment lasts forever...
Waves, crashing amongst the mist
Spilling their timeless tales...
She came to me deep in reverie
with eyes as compelling as the sun...
A buried temple, awaiting union
A grand cavern painted in hope...
I lay to sleep each and every night
Only to wake to a morning without reason...
Do not cry for us
all things come to an end...
Dreams still carry her sound
A haunting voice in the night...
Deep and dark, the atmosphere
Laden eyes drift between time and space...
These years spent in search
Perplexed by fictitious resolution...
Descending from the heavens
Breeze bestowing form...
Into the distance
The sun, I watch set...
I know what it is that haunts you
I’ve seen it within your eyes...