Trapped in the fabric of fictional reality; it is...
Time stands still; a moment lasts forever...
Beneath the sultry confines
of my own mental prison...
I know what it is that haunts you
I’ve seen it within your eyes...
Dreams still carry her sound
A haunting voice in the night...
Feel the fire
Embrace the love inside you, so bright...
She came to me deep in reverie
with eyes as compelling as the sun...
I lay to sleep each and every night
Only to wake to a morning without reason...
Look in my eyes for hours
You still won’t know who I am...
Trapped in the cage of endless routine
Mental paintings... A black and white scene...
Culture embracing its insolence
Driven by an unseen face...
I’ve fallen and I’m so sorry…
I’ve let you down again...
I cannot live without you
You’re the only thing that makes sense...