Quotes by Mollie

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  • I hate liars, I hate users, I hate rude and disrespectful people. I'm not blind, I'm not deaf and I thank the lord for that, but I don't speak and I don't listen for the things that should have happened.

    13 years ago
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  • Hopes and thoughts of which we confide in our dreams, are anticapated to one day manifest into something great. Like a ground of egg shells becoming the solid base of which we all build our lives from. That is the beauty of life.

    17 years ago
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  • Lets fill this world of make believe, with a true abiding love, because he who may misconcieve could fall in a world of beguilement

    17 years ago
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  • Dreams are the only parallel to life that allow the mind to explore the impossible

    17 years ago
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  • Time is not and obstacle for love, for love; true love, foresees all boundaries, all limitations, and thrives off ones determination to overcome, and conquer; for no other reason than love.

    17 years ago
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  • You might want to call it and obsession, but thats not what it is, its just dedication at its highest.

    17 years ago
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  • How may I conjure my love onto thee from the depths of my soul, when my eyes cannot look beyond its physical limits, to measure the depth.

    17 years ago
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  • What dream do manifest between these four walls that can overcome us, but the innocence of a kiss, the desire that do fallow within my lovers eye. I dream not of that kiss, but the moment to fallow.

    17 years ago
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  • When words fail just let love prevail

    20 years ago
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  • Love is a language of it's own,
    Filled with timeless and tireless words,
    A language put out for all to know.

    20 years ago
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