Quotes by rawrrr♥

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  • Take the biggest sword you can possibly find, and slowly force it through my heart. It hurts too much to like I do, so just make it go away.

    20 years ago
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  • Life is full of pain and suffering, sometimes with no explanation to the insanity.

    20 years ago
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  • I watch as the minutes pass...waiting impatiently for my time to come

    20 years ago
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  • ...Its like holding a daggar to your chest...wanting to slice apart your heart that has already been beaten and scarred...

    20 years ago
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  • If the only possible way for me to be happy again is to be with you, kill me now so I won't have to deal with the pain any longer

    20 years ago
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  • Nothing in life makes sense when theres no one you can turn to and love and get the same in return

    20 years ago
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  • *no one makes me feel like you do...if only you were there whenever i need you*

    19 years ago
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  • *there is no possible way for you to ever understand how i feel, for there are not enough words or lyrics or tears out there for me to express these feelings in their fullest capacity*

    19 years ago
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  • *a roses beauty is hers with ever tear she sheds a roses pedal flys slightly to the ground with out ever making a sound she keeps her pain*

    19 years ago
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  • *we can never prove to the one we love that we really do love them unless you cry to them just because there yours and they make your life happy with outs lieing sins*

    19 years ago
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