Full of shame.. |
Go ahead smoke your weed, do your little deed but pardon me while I get up and leave. |
Next time I fall for you catch me and hold me tight. Don't drop me again. |
A pathetic little soul lost in this big little world. |
Tears are fallen.. |
HaVe YoU eVeR sPaNkEd A mOnKeY & hEaRd It SaY mOo!? |
I fear alot of things.. but mostly what I have seen. |
We like to argue and fight but I'll always know that us being together is right. |
I'm just a F*(K up.. all I can do is MesS up. Why bother when none of this was meant for me? Why does everyone ignore that pain that's so easy to see? |
PeRfEcT lIfE. No StRiFe. So WhY aM i So MeSsEd Up? |