Poems by Yakari Gabriel

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  • This is why I don't like
    getting involved with people...

  • You asked me
    to cook you...

  • One day, your hair won't be
    as thick anymore...

  • If one day my shoelaces betray me,
    and I fall down within the crowd...

  • They all mean well, I guess.
    (or at least love to believe so...

  • Today. (1)

    Today I feel like a child at midnight
    The wind plays with me as it pleases...

  • I am shameless, my tongue knows no limits.
    if you too were trying to make a living simply out...

  • Tonight I find myself,
    tossing and turning in bed again...

  • 1. I’ve seen love cut everyone I love, if I let...
    2. Anytime your lips find mine my feet lose feel...

  • I talk a lot, but I am also a very good listener...
    I listened. I sat down with my heart. Taught it a...

  • Everyday, the poet leaves me a little more
    I try to wrap my legs around her...

  • Tricks (6)

    He promised me
    England for...