Just like a baloon lost to the sky, best friends are never gone until you tell them to say goodbye |
Is it cool if i hate you? cuz im sure youd hate me to. but just tell me if i love you will you promise to love me to |
And I hate every moment I depended on you |
Repulsive regret |
When you cant go left and you refuse to go right where is there left to turn |
When you cant go left and you refuse to go right where is there left to turn |
Regret can be justified because maybe you wanted it at one point but we arent ment to get everything we want and maybe the things we regret we werent ment to have but we got them anyway. |
Memories: love to look back on them, hate to remember them |
Love is giving someone what they need most when they deserve it least |
A best friend is someone that has the chance to hurt you like you've never felt before but you know they never will |