~LoVe CaN SuMeTiMes Be maGiC. BuT |
TheRes A ParT oF Me ThaT WisHeS aLl My DreAmS coMe TruE AnD A PaRt of Me thAt PrAyS I'Ll WaKe up SoMedaY aNd be OvEr YOU. |
I could fill a million pages tellling you how I felt and still you wouldn't understand. So now I leave without a sound, except that of my heart shattering as it hits the ground. |
**~~We CaMe ToGeThEr UndErnEatH tHe StaRs AbOve. WhAt StArteD OuT as LikIng SoOn TurnEd InTo LoVe. I SeNSeD a CerTaiN SuMeThIng ThAt In My HeArT FeLt TrUe. I KnEw I WaItEd All My LiFe To FaLl in LoVe WiTh YoU.**~~ |
It hurts to see you walk away.For admit it or not, you were an important part of my life and the time we shared will forever be a part of me. So even though I realize that it was never meant to be,still, it hurts. |
**EvEn iF mY HeArT sHoulD YoUr cALl YoUr NaMe In ThE RaiN. EvEn iF ThEsE aRmS ShOuld wAnt tO EmBrAcE YoU AgAin. AnD eVeN iF i'M aLl CrIed oUt AnD nO LonGeR iN PaIn...i'Ll nEveR FaLl iN LoVe tHaT wAy /AgAin.\** |
~*I said what I needed to say*~ |
I may not see you as aften as I like. I may not hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I L.o.v.E., and I can't let you go. |
I rain up the door, and closed the stairs, |
A TruE FriEnD SeeS HuRt iN YouR EyEs WhEn eVerYoNe ElsE Is FooLeD By YouR SmiLe |