Quotes by Lynnea

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  • I'm lonely but I'm afraid.
    I need someone to talk to...
    I just can't talk to you.
    What if you they think I'm weird?
    What if they think I'm pathetic?
    What if they leave just like you left too?

    10 years ago
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  • I'm trying my best to keep my hopes high,
    But all of the time I wonder if I'll survive.
    Last time I fell into nothing but sadness,
    I can't hope again to make it past that kind of madness.

    *From my poem: Revolving Door

    12 years ago
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  • I'm so over this, but I'm not over this at all. I know that these feelings are going to get me into trouble. I'll be crushed when I fall.

    12 years ago
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  • I just told you to go away,
    Because I can't handle myself today.

    12 years ago
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  • You fill me with lies,
    When I find out the truth... you ignore my cries.
    You treat me so bad,
    I keep trying to convince myself you'll be the best I've ever had.

    13 years ago
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  • You fill me with lies,
    When I find out the truth... you ignore my cries.
    You treat me so bad,
    I keep trying to convince myself you'll be the best I've ever had.

    13 years ago
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  • You could never love me the way that I love you,
    I know I have to let go of you soon.
    The problem is I want to hold on,
    Even though I now know you're a con

    13 years ago
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  • I scream because I don't know what else to do,
    I'm playing a game I know eventually I'll lose.
    I try to stay happy and plaster smiles,
    The sadness ignores my efforts and slowly piles.

    13 years ago
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  • I can't see clearly through all of the pain,
    No matter how much I try everything stays the same.
    I turn to drinks to calm the sad thoughts,
    The problem is your always crystal clear between the shots.

    13 years ago
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  • I am so sick of people belittling other peoples problems! When someone shares a fear or problem with you, you do NOT try and top their problem. You help and comfort. You do not under any circumstances make them feel like they are not worthy of being sad.

    13 years ago
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