In your early morning greeting your coldness burns...
frostbitten by your aura I recoil from your stone...
If by me loving you and not telling you
makes me a fraud, a coward...
Sharing an umbrella on a rainy day
My secret love and me...
My life blood seeps from me
As wounded by love my emotional sores lie...
It is said that life is but a dream and death the...
if this is so,then i am awakening into a...
Sweetly you preoccupy all my dreams,
while daily I see you on every avenue I walk down...
This morning has a tear in its side.
Staring, I roam about lost like a wounded animal...
Never trust the gusting wind,
ignore the blustering,gusting wind...
Unaware,it is we all face our own Gethsemane,
each and every day...
I am in silent love in a loud body,
My heart cries loudly in silent chorus of...
Awaiting my beloved's arrival i melt when i see...
and then i hurt when she talks of her true life...
I am the ring that encircles your finger
Caress me, feel the quietening that my touch...