Orbiting a nebulous planet...
Does the heart react to CBT?
Can seven weeks of talking therapy cure you of...
I allowed you to hurt me with words.
Slander my heart with false smiles whilst offering...
I shaved my moustache off yesterday.
Just for a change, my image would be different I...
I found a cardboard box this morning
Quite an unassuming box really...
If by me loving you and not telling you
makes me a fraud, a coward...
When I reflect on the quantity of passion and...
Death long departed is perpetually with us in...
My dreams have now become a reality; meagre...
For the sunlight that is you has faded from my...
I am worn out by my dreams
Old, tired, yet feeling alive...
I saw you and I today.
My hand holding yours...
If I had magic I'd make myself miniature
So that I might slip inside a pocket of your...
My heart yearns to bestow on this woman the...
My adoration bleeds into my soul and exudes from...