Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • Through our whole life
    There has been strife...

  • Love is a union of the wills
    Hate is a division that kills...

  • The fathers of this nation so great
    Chose to separate church and state...

  • Sometimes we must change the way we are feeling
    So that our heart, soul and mind can begin healing...

  • Lord, there are many false prophets that predict...
    I look deep in their hearts to see if there is...

  • Lord, I was born with natural desires
    All the rains cannot put out all those fires...

  • No need to dwell and wonder why
    In the place that told that old lie...

  • No Way (1)

    Did they believe what He had to say?
    Or did they doubt Him, and say no way...

  • This is the sad song of Cain
    And the first man to be slain...

  • Oh reaper of my heart I don't know where to start.
    To write about something I don't even understand...

  • It’s my honor to write about the one called...
    To whom her heavenly Father saw fit to give the...

  • Angels making plans for me
    To see all the beauty I can see...