Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • Lord bless this day of prayer and fasting
    In contemplation of life everlasting...

  • Many things are left to our devices
    In times of need and times of crisis...

  • Did you ever think what
    You should have done...

  • The genius of truth ,the retardation of lies
    may be so incredibly easy to disguise...

  • Do you remember back when?
    In the year of our Lord ten...

  • Idioms (1)

    Idioms are figures of speech
    With valid lessons to teach...

  • They say "we the people" started this...
    The beautiful land that is mine, the same land...

  • Beautiful Christmas
    Trees shining with ornaments...

  • Since the beginning of worship here
    we have celebrated a time of year...

  • Bounce (1)

    Flexible people have more bounce per ounce
    Though the rigid stand firm where it counts...

  • Eyes like two blue lakes
    On a stimulating face...

  • Abracadabra is who you are
    Who is on your avatar...