There once was an idiot named Rush
That would make Don Rickles blush...
There once was a pirate named Sparrow
Who was not as straight as an arrow...
There once was a Palin named Sara
Who wore a quite a bit of mascara...
What's all the fuss about smoking in jail?
I shouldn't, but I am going tell the tale...
George Bush. could have been elected
After the votes were all collected...
We evolved from primordial soup
Though we may not have had an eve...
Looking forward to the very end
For every end is a beginning...
There once was a healthcare bill
That republicans tried to kill...
Remembering literature we have read,
Embracing with passion ancient works of art...
Once a lad built a crypt brick by brick
The passers by sneered, and laughed too quick...
When I was a tot there was no Toys "R"...
Then as a teen I ran with the rancorous...
There once was a clown named O'Riley
Who thought of himself very highly...