Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • Lady of the lake laughing with such grace
    understanding knowledge from great Merlin...

  • At many shores the ocean seems to wave
    Or I'm told I have yet to see the sea...

  • Empirical Truth
    Truth on evidence or consequences...

  • Cool Ice cycles hang
    Naturally in the light...

  • You are a ship, I a mere splinter
    There's no such thing as being bad luck...

  • We're often accused of eveything but being a poet
    We do not know humility and most of us know it...

  • An April fool endures the endearing showers
    that saturate the soil in this season...

  • Great Family Expectations-
    Sunrise hidden by pines and cedars on the east...

  • I know they told us this was World War II.
    There would be no more wars when we were through...

  • Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks
    Ducks in a chicken coop hang out with chicks...

  • They say if you wait anything will come true
    I have waited a lifetime just to see you...

  • They say a stitch in time saves nine
    Some don't think anything is asinine...