Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • I loved you when I buried you in my heart like a...

  • Once I tried to climb Merton's "Seven Story...
    High above the dark clouds, so I could see the...

  • Angelica I really regret
    that you and I have not met...

  • To become one is
    naturally divine love...

  • There was a humble poet named Dave
    Who the almighty Lord died for to save...

  • Interconnections
    bind all forces of natures...

  • Once I took a journey through my mind
    to sort things out, and see what I'd find...

  • Oh Israel had its tribes
    the Scottish had clans...

  • If you do read this
    imagine how hearts have beat...

  • Earth , wind, suns on fire
    water is a gas in liquid...

  • Space is infinite
    none can not be created...

  • Time spent is nothing
    because this time has been spent...