You are a bridge over a raging river
I have faith You will always deliver...
The wind beneath my wings is the air I breathe
to see it destroyed would surely make me seethe...
It's time for us to stand on our own two feet
yet we all need a helping hand, now and then...
I'm dreaming this afternoon
that you will be here so soon...
On stems of a rose
are many a horn...
A fictitious prose
narrative of book length...
Have you ever thought of this?
You could betray with a kiss...
She told me her name
and looked me and smiled...
Finger of fate points at me
the future is mine to see...
Oh Danny boy you were born the 26th of July
in sixty two I remember well I won't deny...
If I wrote around the clock
Guess I would get writers block...
Building bridges
over ridges...