Lord I know I am not worthy at all
I am a sinner through and through...
My Achilles heel is now itching
but I find it very enriching...
Once there was a lass I thought I wouldn't miss
when I decided to steal from her a wee kiss...
"Nothing changes if nothing changes,"
the light and darkness just rearranges...
Omnia mutantur, nihil interit
'Everything changes, but nothing is truly...
Mary had a little lamb, what a shock
far be it from me to judge, laugh, or mock...
On my Lord is a stigma
placed there by an enigma...
Dreamed of ladies
all beautiful...
My Achilles heel is itching
but I find it so enriching...
The last concert I was at, hippies were crying
that Bob had just walked off the stage, they where...
The Celtic queen has surely shown
some do reap what others have sown...
Bless the light, curse the dark
Tree and dog have a bark...