As one...
Counting the days
in a month is like...
There is a courageous dreamer here
Who writes with a lot of passion and flare...
Love of possessing
The wealth of the earth...
I think I love you, but I’m not crazy about...
I think I need you, but I just need some time to...
Created in the image and likeness of God, so we...
Incarnated with worldly flesh we toil until it is...
Once there was this creature void of beauty, and...
Looking for affection from anyone who seemed warm...
At the crux of the creepy creek
crossed by cripples their...
Poverty is often due to crimes
of selfish humanity at times...
Crimson in the Clover
Crimson in the Clover...
Guardian Angel Crossing Bridge was in my mind
the most inspirational painting I could find...
A poor man with no name, on a horse, with no fame
set out to cross the land...