Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • Just minutes earlier there was no cloud in the sky
    I spoke to my nephew, and before he could reply...

  • Have you ever thought so long and hard about the...
    To give to the one you love, in hopes their spirit...

  • The summary of Bruno's philosophy would be a...
    To have unity in diversity in a master idea of...

  • How far is your mind from a brake
    When you don't think you make a mistake...

  • Glenda (1)

    I have known a long time, a woman named Glenda...
    For many years our relationship has been steady...

  • Well, what was lost
    has been found, sounds...

  • Excess consumption
    Too much drinking dulls the mind...

  • God has mercy, so once upon a time, sometime after...
    There was a certain child born, destined to...

  • Oh God has sworn grace to the flower
    Grace falls upon her like a shower...

  • God is Light
    God always was...

  • Send your sacrifice dear Abel
    you've not the mark of brother Cain...

  • God of the gaps
    must needs perhaps...