Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • In my head there was a thought
    in my house there was a bird...

  • Hansel (5)

    Hansel, I believe you have a talent
    Many of us would call a gift...

  • July 24 1915 is a birthdate
    I will soon most likely celebrate...

  • Oh Danny boy you were born the 26th of July
    in sixty two I remember well I won't deny...

  • So today you celebrate your birthday
    I asked you yesterday if you were happy...

  • Happy Birthday Lizzy
    It seems we were busy...

  • There was an evil angel full of hate and pride
    Angered by the Love it wanted to set aside...

  • Could it be the lingering souls
    that will not go into the light...

  • Of all the words I have heard
    in all passion that's been stirred...

  • My brother in Christ has the spirit of a hawk
    When he soars high above the clouds he loves to...

  • With hocus pocus
    you got my focus...

  • For all intended purpose
    my life is almost over...