Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • I can tell you this
    Danielle will be a Miss...

  • How low can anyone fall?
    Who is the lowest of all...

  • Thou hast a mother, and father
    A mother, and father hast thee...

  • How Much Blood
    How much blood do you need...

  • Some say that blind faith with out a doubt
    Is just another way to cop out...

  • There once was a Mike last name Huckabee
    Who was a governor too blind to see...

  • Every breath brings
    A being closer to His death...

  • All of us in the human race
    Compete at an ungodly pace...

  • I was raised up by Christianity
    And somehow kept my sanity...

  • I have often prayed a prayer far too long
    for someone to tell me I've prayed it wrong...

  • The laws enforced by democracy
    Freedom to express hypocrisy...

  • I am trying truly dieing
    To my past there's no denying...