A very long time ago
When? I don’t know...
With no memories of molten ash
Where elements began to clash...
It takes more than gumption
to get passed an assumption...
It seems it is all matter of etymology
it's said three wise men learned in astrology...
Adhesion and cohesion are water properties that...
Seeds in nature and of spiritual faith affect...
Oh sweet autumn, you are time of reaping
The beauty of bright colors and their fruit...
I have always hoped that I had what it takes
To make it to paradise past sneaky snakes...
Some solemnly seek prestigious awards
While others know humility has its rewards...
To the mods that love rule #2
I have got some news for you...
I do not know too much about that crazy war
Or what those old crazy people are fighting for...
Dreams born from fear, sadness, and despair
are not the kind most of us like to share...