Wailing of sticks and stones
paper and powder...
Our Beloved
He called me once with a heavy heart...
If I could turn each of my tears into anything,
It would be a solution to clear the eyes of others...
Out of Egypt, and into the desert where only the...
The pyramids will lie in ruins, while the hope of...
He must have seemed out of his mind.
Even to the sick, lame and blind...
Out of my mind
has come many a thing...
Seldom have I been so outspoken
when everyone has something to say...
Some old men over the hill
tend to be hateful and ill...
How long I overlooked the obvious
While everything else was clear...
A padded path and a padded cell.
Are our children on the way to hell...
I will owe you all a huge face palm
If throughout this season all is calm...
I have a reoccurring dream
where I believe keys...