Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • Shotguns and shotgun shells
    go together in our mind...

  • Rights (1) 1

    Cover your gun you can't cover your head.
    Anyone can follow you until you are dead...

  • When my heart is an empty vessel
    after I take my very last breath...

  • It matters not what you got
    Just put some rocks in a pot...

  • Some seek the knowledge of evil's root
    Still others say that the point is mute...

  • Stand in awe
    Rule of law...

  • Rulers are like hearts they are made to be broken
    Words are like laws they are made to be spoken...

  • Rules (3)

    We have broken rulers and broken rules
    Using much repetition as our tools...

  • Run and you die is the consensus of the right.
    They deny the human response of fight or flight...

  • Imagine if while logging in
    you saw an elephant jogging in...

  • Running from the sun. Running from the rain.
    Running from the truth. Running from the pain...

  • If mother nature or a father time
    are unnatural to the beholder...