Poems by Angelica

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  • The clock tick rings through my ears, another hour...

  • With each petal that falls,
    a tear cold and silent flows...

  • I never wanna forget
    those perfect nights...

  • Pictures scattered
    you can see they're worn...

  • - a slight soft breeze
    the smell of beauty...

  • You try so hard to remember
    every single last detail...

  • Billy....
    Why Billy did u bring that gun to school...

  • Can you see threw my hidden eyes?
    can you see past my tears and shattered cries...

  • A mirror crashes,
    a girl standing by...

  • Its so annoying when everything you thought you...
    becomes difficult, confusing and you have no clue...

  • Everyone knows
    they can tell by my face...

  • XO__ don`t lie to yourself, true love doesn`t end...
    there must be more to this...