They burn.
The cuts beneath my clothing...
Smell of Rain
Fresh on the pavement...
Finally the relapse I knew would happen happened,
And it was worse than it had been in a while...
I was caught on the phone late last night
By my mom...
I am trying to write a poem
But it seems I have nothing to write...
I want to crawl in between
My ribs and sleep for a thousand years...
He's the right kind of love.
He's the one that steals my breath away...
** Dedicated to Alicia. My BFF till the end of...
Roses Are Red...
I want to run away,
***** This is dedicated to Jefferson, Jackson, and...
Their parents and mom's grandfather were actually...
I absolutely hate the the silence
Screaming in my ears...
A thin layer of ice crystals cover the ground.
It takes me a while to realize it's starting to...