& remember when all these bxtchs fail, you still got me cause iLoveYou more then anything x|3 :-* . |
F**k love & a relationship, im all set with all that shit - no longer trusting nigga`s cause they're all mostly snakes so im forever single O:-) :) :-x :-p :-* . . . |
When you love someone you just don't treat them bad :-/ :'( . |
& you never see it coming you just get to see it go . |
I guess lying to me made you feel good but i hope you know you hurt me in the long run :-[ :-/ :'( >:o . |
& obviously something went wrong in my past so im ready to stop the games & make this one my last :-* :-[ :-/ . |
Sometimes i look up at the stars & analyze the sky & ask myself was i meant to be here . . . why ? |
You dont see how your lies is effecting me, you dont see how life was suppose to be & i never let a nigga get that close to me :-/ . |
Once upon a time i liked you & fell in love with your lies & was left all alone "/ . |
Nothing lasts forever . . . it really is true ; i learned that from experience, don't fall for someone they just end up not catching you at the end and then you end up hurt at the end physically and mentally . |