Ignorance teaches, the absence of angels, in our...
Not easily recognized, they shun focus, praise and...
Emotional dis figuration, clearly inhibits, your...
Altering, your natural responses, with...
Distinguished, she stands, accomplished and...
Captive her audience, diverse and intriguingly...
Your expressions to me are, of complete adoration,
Your love for me as fixed, as an age old...
My baby sister's singing, as she throws her food...
She's looking rather messy, requiring a bath...
My wakeful hours seem infinite in their absolute...
Seeking respite in the darkness of one's obviously...
With hollow hearts, sightless eyes, crushed souls...
Vacant expressions, thoughtless minds, empty...
One moment in time can change a lifetime,
I wonder why I should suffer when I committed no...
A drop in the ocean will ripple without restraint,
Reaching forth it's disruption without constraint...
Who dares to judge the lonely, who dares to...
Who dares to hold them in contempt, who dares to...
Through the impenetrable dark she searches with...
The liquid of life she craves for vital...
I wish I were a blade of green, green, grass,
So incredibly small and so easily lost...