No one can seem to fill this hole in my heart you created when you left. When you walked away from me the last time I saw you, you took a piece of me with you and I'm never gonna get it back |
When people ask if I still love you i dont know what to say because iknow that even if at the moment I dont feel anything, the second I see your smile or make you laugh I'll fall in love all over again |
A week is all it took for you to have feelings for me, at first I didn't feel the same way about you but now that your gone it made me realize what we have shouldn't be thrown away... It kills me that I realized this too late |
So this is it? Were not going to even try and make it work? What happened to Im here for you? You laughed when I said the distance might end us... But look who was right... |
I feel myself moving on, and I thought that's what I wanted but now I realize without loving you, I have nothing to make me smile like an idiot, nothing that makes my heart stops when my name is said... Without you I have nothing... |
Im torn. My head says to give up, don't say anything to you and move on... But my heart tells me one more try... Iknow my head is the more logical part of me but my hearts just not giving up... What do I do? |
I would rather you tell me a list of reasons of why you don't want to be mine, then to tell me if you knew me before you met her we'd be together... |
I can't take being in the friendzone anymore. I can't take you calling me bro and telling me to play xbox with you. I can't take you giving me sympathetic pats on the shoulder... I love you and I wish you'd realize im not just one of the guys... |
I dont need the hottest guy, or the most charming one, I need you, the one who laughs at his own bad jokes, the one who makes me laugh by saying the stupidest things... The one who is imperfect in his own perfect way |
I'm in love with you, your my best friend and seeing you with her has finally broke me, I can't make the pain go away... Should I tell you? Cause I can't take just being friends for another second |