I loved you and I shouldnt of, I accepted your apology even though I knew you didn't mean it, i let you walk all over me for three years but I wont put up with it anymore... I'm done and I mean it |
Through it all I was the one who actually cared, not her, all she did was leave you and break your heart |
As I looked up at the sky I saw only one star and I wished with all my heart that one day I'll be able to call you mine |
I miss you so much, I hate not being able to see you. The worst part is we left off on a bad note and I just need to see you and make everything better. |
I tried to change myself to make you love me even half as much as I loved you. In the process I lost myself and still ended up with a broken heart... I wish I could've realized then you weren't worth it. |
I love how your interested in everything I have to say, I love how you think im funny when I act like a little kid... Basically what im trying to say is I love you<3 |
I miss your smile and your laugh... I'm so lonely without you, I miss making eachother laugh about the smallest things. I miss having you right by my side listening to what's bothering me even if its stupid. Your my best friend and I need you back. |
The moment I really fell in love with you? The second you sat next to me held my hand and didn't let go the whole night |
There's a lot of ways to say I love you, so how come when Im about to tell you how I feel I can't say any of them? |
We haven't talked for what seems like forever... i miss you so much and this time away from you just makes me realize how much you mean to me and any doubts i had before are all gone now... |