Quotes by Jess

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  • Love is when you have a bad day
    But once you catch a *glimpse of his l[eyes]l
    All the pain just * f l o A t s a w a Y

    20 years ago
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  • H o w do u leave the past behiNd
    when iit keeps finDing wayys to
    get to yOurr heart ¿? ` it reaches
    way dowNn d e e p and tears u
    inSide out til ur ` t o r n a p a r t

    20 years ago
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  • There's a world of difference between being in love and being in pain..

    20 years ago
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  • nOt All scArs shOw..
    nOt All wOunds heAl..
    sOmetimes yOu cAn`t AlwAys see
    the pAin thAt sOmebOdy feels..

    20 years ago
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  • yOu dOn't l[die]l frOm a brOken heart
    yOu Only > yOu did

    20 years ago
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  • >>laying here on this empty shelf never to be read again..
    >>..in these pages lies every memory of you..

    20 years ago
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  • Have you ever been in a situation,
    Where the best thing you could do
    Was the hardest thing you've ever done?
    But you try to do what's right...?

    20 years ago
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  • H.o.l.d me n o w. . . . . .
    I'm six feet from the edge
    and I'm t h i n k i n g - -
    That l[maybe]l s i x feet .
    . . Ain't s o f a r down. .

    20 years ago
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  • I'm trying to hold on and just
    when i think i've got a g r i p
    i realize there's l[nothing]l
    there to h.o.l.d on to...

    20 years ago
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  • I'm sitting in my bed...
    trying to consider my l[options]l..
    but the {(only one)} I want to consider..
    -:-isn't even an option for me-:-

    20 years ago
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