Quotes by Jess

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  • Unsure of yourself
    you stand divided now.
    Which road will lead you there
    Last time you fell and you hit h a r d
    Your wounds have healed by now
    But you still see your scars..

    20 years ago
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  • I`ll be just fine
    Pretending I`m not
    I`m far from lonely
    And it`s all that I`ve got

    ((The Used))

    19 years ago
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  • I watched you change and never knew
    That you would be like all the rest
    You were so true, too good to be true
    I trusted you and fell apart again


    19 years ago
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  • And you cant fight the tears that aint coming
    Or the moment of truth in your lies
    When everything feels like the movies
    Yea you bleed just to know you`re alive

    ((Goo Goo Dolls))

    19 years ago
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  • Don't bother keeping your heavy
    breathing down for the one who
    c a n t h e a r y o u s c r e a m

    ~ THE ACADEMY IS. . .

    19 years ago
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  • Maybe one day we`ll wake up and this will all just be a dream..

    19 years ago
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  • faTE dETErmiNes whO*
    coMEs inTo oUR liVES . .
    b U t o U R h e a R T
    dEtErmiNEs whO stAYs*

    19 years ago
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  • WhEn You havE a dReaM
    you'Ve gOt tO hOld oN tO iT
    anD neVEr leT gO

    19 years ago
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  • loVe cOMeS tO tHosE whO stiLL hoPe
    evEn tHouGh tHEy'vE bEen diSaPPoiNtEd
    aNd tO thOSe whO stILL lOVe
    evEn tHoUgH thEy'vE beEN huRt bEfoRe

    19 years ago
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  • l[HoLd oN]l tO wHaT yOu *LoVe*
    ::StAy TrUe:: To WhAt YoU kNoW*
    tAkE eVeRyThInG yOu ((DrEaM)) oF
    . . . .AnD nEvEr LeT iT gO

    19 years ago
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