Unsure of yourself
you stand divided now.
Which road will lead you there
Last time you fell and you hit h a r d
Your wounds have healed by now
But you still see your scars..
20 years ago
I`ll be just fine
Pretending I`m not
I`m far from lonely
And it`s all that I`ve got
((The Used))
19 years ago
I watched you change and never knew
That you would be like all the rest
You were so true, too good to be true
I trusted you and fell apart again
19 years ago
And you cant fight the tears that aint coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yea you bleed just to know you`re alive
((Goo Goo Dolls))
19 years ago
Don't bother keeping your heavy
breathing down for the one who
c a n t h e a r y o u s c r e a m
19 years ago
Maybe one day we`ll wake up and this will all just be a dream..
19 years ago
faTE dETErmiNes whO*
coMEs inTo oUR liVES . .
b U t o U R h e a R T
dEtErmiNEs whO stAYs*
19 years ago
WhEn You havE a dReaM
you'Ve gOt tO hOld oN tO iT
anD neVEr leT gO
19 years ago
loVe cOMeS tO tHosE whO stiLL hoPe
evEn tHouGh tHEy'vE bEen diSaPPoiNtEd
aNd tO thOSe whO stILL lOVe
evEn tHoUgH thEy'vE beEN huRt bEfoRe
19 years ago
l[HoLd oN]l tO wHaT yOu *LoVe*
::StAy TrUe:: To WhAt YoU kNoW*
tAkE eVeRyThInG yOu ((DrEaM)) oF
. . . .AnD nEvEr LeT iT gO