Quotes by Jess

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  • leT tHE r a I N b O W afTer tHE r a I N
    r e M i n D yOU thAt evEN whEN tHinGs`
    aRe aT ThEir woRsT . . . thEre'S ALwaYS
    goiNg tO bE soMEtHInG beTTer tO coME

    19 years ago
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  • aNyoNe caN maKE yOU *laUGh*
    anD aNyOne can maKE yOU cRy*
    buT iT takEs *sOMeoNE sPeCiaL*
    _tO makE yOu sMiLE wiTh .teaRS.
    `->. . . i N y O U R e y E s . .

    19 years ago
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  • Everyones gOnna H.U.R.T you
    sOoner .Or. later you just have *
    tO -- decide [whOs] * wOrth * gOing
    --» thrOuqh «-- the p a i n

    19 years ago
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  • fRienDs aRe gODs waY
    oF aPoLoGizINg foR oUR faMIlieS

    19 years ago
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  • yOU knOw yOU'VE bEen huRt
    --------->oNe tOO manY tiMeS
    whEN You *oPeN yOUR eyEs*
    anD aLL yOu sEE iS t e a R S

    19 years ago
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  • IvE coME TO THe PoiNt iN mY liFe
    whEre nOtHInG maTTErS anYmORe
    anD tHE tHiNgs i uSeD tO caRe foR
    aRenT woRth fiGhTiNg foR

    19 years ago
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  • cause i found, what i needed
    and i don't need you to tell me
    how you feel; and if i fall
    you are not the one that has to
    c o p e a n d d e a l

    ((Smile Empty Soul))

    19 years ago
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  • My hearts at a [l o w]
    Im so much to [m a n a g e]
    I think you should know that
    Ive been [d a m a g e d]


    19 years ago
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  • In the end all the sinners have to pay. . .

    ~Smile Empty Soul

    19 years ago
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  • I've learned to live each passing day
    As if it were my last
    I'm looking forward to my future
    And I'm learning from my past

    ((from a poem in a book that i read))

    19 years ago
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