leT tHE r a I N b O W afTer tHE r a I N
r e M i n D yOU thAt evEN whEN tHinGs`
aRe aT ThEir woRsT . . . thEre'S ALwaYS
goiNg tO bE soMEtHInG beTTer tO coME
19 years ago
aNyoNe caN maKE yOU *laUGh*
anD aNyOne can maKE yOU cRy*
buT iT takEs *sOMeoNE sPeCiaL*
_tO makE yOu sMiLE wiTh .teaRS.
`->. . . i N y O U R e y E s . .
19 years ago
Everyones gOnna H.U.R.T you
sOoner .Or. later you just have *
tO -- decide [whOs] * wOrth * gOing
--» thrOuqh «-- the p a i n
19 years ago
fRienDs aRe gODs waY
oF aPoLoGizINg foR oUR faMIlieS
19 years ago
yOU knOw yOU'VE bEen huRt
--------->oNe tOO manY tiMeS
whEN You *oPeN yOUR eyEs*
anD aLL yOu sEE iS t e a R S
19 years ago
IvE coME TO THe PoiNt iN mY liFe
whEre nOtHInG maTTErS anYmORe
anD tHE tHiNgs i uSeD tO caRe foR
aRenT woRth fiGhTiNg foR
19 years ago
cause i found, what i needed
and i don't need you to tell me
how you feel; and if i fall
you are not the one that has to
c o p e a n d d e a l
((Smile Empty Soul))
19 years ago
My hearts at a [l o w]
Im so much to [m a n a g e]
I think you should know that
Ive been [d a m a g e d]
19 years ago
In the end all the sinners have to pay. . .
~Smile Empty Soul
19 years ago
I've learned to live each passing day
As if it were my last
I'm looking forward to my future
And I'm learning from my past