You have so many relationships in this life
Only one or two will last
Youre going through all this pain and strife
Then you turn your back and theyre gone so fast
19 years ago
. . . tHerEs nO fLaWs
wHeN yOuR prEtEnDiNg . . .
19 years ago
YoU`vE gOt O-n-E LiiFe To LiiVe
» aNd iiT`s tOo sHoRt tO wAsTe iiT
19 years ago
Save yourself for someone who
loves you for you
So many times we just give it away.
to someone who couldnt even
Remember our name
Give it to someone who
will cherish your name
19 years ago
saYinG yOU'LL neVEr faLL iN a lOVe aGaiN
iS lIke saYInG yOU'LL neVEr sMiLe aGaIN
aS mUch As yOU miGhT nOt waNT tO
sOmeONe'S gOInG tO evEntuALLY
cOMe aLoNg anD maKE yOU
19 years ago
Please speak slowly
My heart is learning
Teach me heart-ache
Stop this burning now
((All American Rejects))
19 years ago
wHaT doEsn't kiLL yOU
maKEs YOu sTRoNgEr
19 years ago
WiiDe aWaKe ii`M bOrEd
aNd ii CaN`t fAll AsLeEp
AnD eVeRyNiiGhT iiS tHe
..wOrSt. .NiiGhT.. .EvEr..
((Simple Plan))
19 years ago
Dream as if you'll live forever . . .
. . . Live as if you'll die tomorrow
19 years ago
LoVe caN sOMEtImes bE maGiC...bUT maGiC caN soMEtiMEs...juST bE aN iLLuSioN