Friend is for you to cherish Not for you to Replace... |
Perhaps I'm A replacement... |
BBF:Yo! |
When you in time of trouble... You Find me... |
IDon'tKnowWhy....WhenYouWereInDeepTroubleIDon'tCareIfIWouldDieAndIHelpYou...ButAfterThanksMeYou find her...ThePersonWhoAwaysMakeYouAngry,Sad...Why?IThoughtI'mYourBestestFriend...ButIWasWrong...YourBestestFriendIsHer... |
" I'm Okay " Isn't that what i am supposed to say ? |
You should step in my shoes and walk a mile, and see how hard it is to hold back the tears and fake a smile. |
You should step in my shoes and walk a mile, and see how hard it is to hold back the tears and fake a smile. |
The happiest feeling ever is knowing that he could be with any other girl in the entire world, but he chooses to be with you. |
Whenever telephone bell rang, I immediately look at but very disappointed to find not you. |