Quotes by GodIsLove

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  • He has always been looking at something far beyond, far higher than me. I could never give him that which he desires. Even so...even so, I'm sure that even when tomorrow comes, or the day after, or thereafter, I will still be helplessly in love with him.

    14 years ago
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  • A heartbreak isnt always as loud as a bomb exploding. Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling, and the most painful thing is that no one really hears it except yourself.

    12 years ago
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  • Nothing in life happens before its time. Let the pieces fall into place and you'll be fine.

    12 years ago
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  • I love him but I cannot show it, want him but he cannot know it, need him but I know it'll never be, if only he needed me.

    13 years ago
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  • How come you have enough time to go out and make other girls fall in love with you, but you don't have enough time to pay attention to the girl who already is?

    13 years ago
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  • What do you do when the only person who can stop your tears is the one making you cry?

    14 years ago
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  • The worst feeling in the world is knowing you've been used and lied to.

    14 years ago
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  • For a few minutes you made me feel as though I actually meant something to someone.

    14 years ago
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  • You're the one who broke my heart, you're the reason my world fell apart, you're the one who made me cry, yet I'm still in love with you and I don't know why.

    14 years ago
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  • When will you learn that I got feelings too? You'll never know until it happens to you.

    14 years ago
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